Travel Soap Shampoo

Rogue Authentic is now on Etsy

Go Authentic.

The Soap To Take.

Wherever you go, Rogue Authentic is the soap you take with you. It cleans and softens your skin and hair and you can shave with it too. After use you can wrap it up in its brown wrapper to wick off moisture and keep your bar dry—great for hiking, camping, or tossing into your travel kit. Rogue Authentic soap is also happily plastic-free.

$6.00 Ea. Free Shipping

Soap Shampoo bar

Great soap to take: camping traveling hotels motels climbing biking train bus car airplane skateboard the soap to take handmade homemade natural soap 100% vegetable oils sustainable ecological happy mindful present helpful cleansing good soap the soap to take where you go the soap goes to keep you clean and soft hair that shines and stays clean longer shave wash is good for you happy and clean made for you wishes come true surrender to the one truth that equality is and people have to work extra hard to keep wealth from everyone so we make the world a place to help each other and create equality by acknowledging our differences and empathizing with our sameness of human experience to move the hearts and spirits toward more Love and happiness day to day that the meaning of more is fuller life in each moment where the only outcomes are fullness of heart in every way the only path for humans to follow is in their recognition that we are nothing without each other so it becomes our duty to help as many others as there are to truly live in wonder and move beyond the gravity and dimension of limitation to the spiral dance of universal consciousness soap seems to engender this type of dialog because it’s made in the home with our hands and heart and creates an environment of holding to our community those feelings of belonging and growth good the soap to take